Claudio’s Flugelhorn


The Latest From Phillip Kennedy Johnson

Road Culture
State of the Arts

Claudio’s Flugelhorn

Claudio’s Flugelhorn
In 2012, I attended the International Trumpet Guild Conference at Columbus State University with my colleagues in The U.S. Army Field Band trumpet section. I was walking on campus between events--with a bunch of other trumpet players I didn’t know also milling around, which is how these conference...

Warlords of Appalachia

Warlords of Appalachia
2041: a dried-up mining town in Eastern Kentucky. Following a new administration’s crackdowns on civil liberties, the United States has fought and won another Civil War. But this time, Kentucky refuses to acknowledge U.S. sovereignty, effectively making Kentucky an occupied nation within U.S. bord...

State of the Arts 2: Bone Tomahawk, Metro 2033, DMZ, Michael Bisio’s Accortet

State of the Arts 2: Bone Tomahawk, Metro 2033, DMZ, Michael Bisio’s Accortet
Thanks for checking out the State of the Arts blog series! In an effort to keep more quality art in my life, I’ve resolved to check out at least one book, one comic series, one film and one album every week, and discuss the best stuff here. Let me know if there’s somethin...

State of the Arts 1: Deadly Class, Hateful Eight, Get Shorty, Kirk Knuffke’s Lamplighter

State of the Arts 1: Deadly Class, Hateful Eight, Get Shorty, Kirk Knuffke’s Lamplighter
Thanks for checking out the first State of the Arts post! In an effort to keep more quality art in my life, I’ve resolved to check out at least one book, one comic series, one film and one album every week, and discuss the best stuff here. Most will be new or new-...

Third Eye Comics, or The Nerd Who Came In From The Cold

Third Eye Comics, or The Nerd Who Came In From The Cold
NOW I can say it’s real. I’ve been writing comic scripts for several years. A few of them have become comics; a few of these are finished and out there. But in my mind, the title of ‘writer’ is a lofty one, one that carries respect. I never felt like I had done anything to put myself on t...

Neil Gaiman’s Most Important Story

Neil Gaiman’s Most Important Story
Gaiman Playbill This weeke...

Anders’ New Song

Anders’ New Song
IMG_0382While I’m away on tour...


1mar·tyr nounˈmär-tər 1:  a person who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty of witnessing to and refusing to renounce a religion 2:  a person who sacrifices something of great value and especially life itself for the...

Sacking Rome

Sacking Rome
First, just a quick weekend recap, for those who missed it. On Thursday, CBS Sports guy Jim Rome posted this tweet:

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Kind Of A Long Story…

Kind Of A Long Story…
Saturday night, my colleagues and I played a wedding between a Tasmanian man dressed as a woman and a stack of comic books. So here’s how that happened:

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